Top execs weigh in on post-pandemic business prospects

Editor's note: The Chinese government has rolled out a series of targeted measures to help revitalize businesses and boost economic growth in the face of COVID-19 epidemic. China Daily interviewed top business executives from well-known multinational companies for their views and experiences during the outbreak, as well as their business strategies for the post COVID-19 period.
Q1: This year's two sessions were postponed over two months due to COVID-19. What policy guidelines are you expecting from the upcoming meetings?
Q2: The outbreak has caused disruptions to the global economy. How is your China business recovering from the outbreak? Will your investment plans in the country change due to the virus?
Q3: The government has released a series of policies to help revitalize businesses. Which one, or ones, are most helpful to your company?
Q4: Have you identified any new business opportunities after the COVID-19 outbreak? Are there any new best practices in terms of business operations coming from China setting the trend for your business worldwide?
Q5: Ensuring employment is one of the top priorities for the Chinese government as it strives to restore growth after the epidemic. What measures are you taking in China to ensure employment and benefits for employees?