Painting a hopeful picture

The topic, "Student turns wall into oil painting canvas within four months", has become popular, and has been viewed about 30 million times as of Tuesday.
Many internet users were amazed by the makeover of the wall, saying that "it is a joy for passers-by", and it is also "a good way to beautify streets in the countryside".
One user commented: "Who said a village cannot have some style? With creativity, anywhere can be a gallery."
On the other hand, his project has forced many to reflect on their own outbreak productivity, like another user who posted: "Shame on me. I, being a college student too, have only gained weight and tendinitis during my extended vacation, because the only company I've got is my smartphone."
Facing the sudden attention on social media, Liu remains modest. "I am just self-disciplined," Liu says. "There are tens of thousands of art students who are better than me."
With the wall's sudden fame online, Liu decided to name it "wanghong (internet star) wall", which will be "a special gift to mark his graduation" during the recent challenges.