Charity concert celebrating Beethoven to be held at Kempinski Hotel Changsha

In celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the world-renowned musician Ludwig van Beethoven, Kempinski Hotel Changsha, the first European luxury hotel in Hunan province, will hold the charity event ‘Discover Beethoven’ on August 2.
Beethoven’s music has a unique power that connects people. The 250th anniversary of his birth is a perfect time to reflect on the musician’s legacy, tell stories and ‘Play on, play against all odds’.
‘Whether you have never heard a Beethoven piano sonata, or whether you know every note of his late string quartets by heart, this charity event will offer something exciting for everyone, ’ said Michael Tan, general manager of Kempinski Hotel Changsha.
"Discover Beethoven" brings European lifestyle, hospitality and tradition to Changsha and gives us the opportunity to spend an evening together while enjoying traditional European classical music and gourmet food. Many musicians will perform at the event, including the pianist Zhi Yin, and there will be an opera performance, a classical ballet, a string quartet and a charity bazaar.