Female entertainers fight ageism in reality show

Some viewers reveal their aging anxiety has gotten worse after watching the show.
"My older sister had a meltdown last Sunday after watching the show. She became more anxious, as she found out she's a nobody nearing 30 while all those rich, high-achieving celebrities still look amazingly young in their middle age," reads one Weibo user's comment.
"My heart quivered as I heard 50-year-old Christy Chung say she still feels as young as 20 physically and would always be 18 at heart," reads a Weibo post by Tang Shuang, a senior fashion editor and former deputy publisher of Vogue China.
Chung, an actress from Hong Kong, revealed in the show she worked out every day to stay fit.
"The show actually points out the predicament faced by women — a woman's actual age is neither acceptable for the public nor for herself," reads the other half of Tang's post, which has so far attracted 77,000 likes.
"It makes me feel a bit uncomfortable when those sisters in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are still widely commended by some audience members and even media for looking young as in their 20s," commented Wang Chuan, a user on the Quora-like site Zhihu.
A viral article published by official WeChat account "jianpiao yuangong" points out the show's content has yet to measure up to what it preaches.
"The tryout results in the first episode show contestants in the 30-39 age group scored higher than those aged 40 and above. Doesn't this suggest the younger, the better?" an excerpt from the article reads.