Adding color to tales of the past

It was a long process of trial and error to achieve the best effect, and she even sacrificed precious sleeping hours working on it. "I took about three days to complete a double-page spread. If I felt gripped by inspiration, I saw sleep as a waste of time. I just wanted to keep on drawing without any distraction," Xiao says.
Her effort paid dividends. Her artworks have been shortlisted in the cartoon category for the 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, sponsored by the China Artists Association, and exhibited last year among more than 1,000 creations in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, an honor for a fresh graduate.
Xiao felt even more delight when she met crowds of preschool kids and primary school students who came to see the exhibition of graduation works at her school, which was held last year and where her creations were also on display.
Upon hearing them raise many questions and commenting on her work with passion, she felt a great sense of fulfillment.