Spain's Canary Islands roll out insurance policy to cover costs of virus-affected tourists

MADRID - The regional government of Spain's Canary Islands confirmed on Wednesday that it has signed an insurance policy to become the first of the country's 17 autonomous communities to guarantee that tourists will have all of the possible expenses resulting from a coronavirus-related incident covered.
The policy would cover the medical expenses, quarantine and repatriation costs in case of a coronavirus outbreak. It is valid for both Spanish and non-Spanish visitors.
The only condition which the insurance requires is that the affected travelers did not know they had the virus before starting their holidays.
The policy was signed by Yaiza Castilla, who is responsible for tourism in the islands and the company AXA Seguros, with Castilla hailing the accord as an important boost to the tourism sector.
"With the signing of this policy, the Canary Islands are taking another step to advance their commitment to reinforce and increase the safety and tranquility of tourists," said Castilla.
The Canary Islands are one of the parts of Spain least affected by the coronavirus pandemic, yet the pandemic has badly affected the Islands' tourism sector.