New Beijing restaurant puts spin on classic hotpot

A new restaurant Dongzhimen Shuanrou opened in Beijing in November, putting a modern twist on traditional Beijing hotpot.
Located in the Dongzhimen area, the entrance of the restaurant uses yellow tiles and red walls to present the look of old Beijing. The hotpot for each diner is a cloisonne copper pot.
Hand-sliced lamb is the signature of Beijing hotpot, and all fresh lamb is served within 48 hours of arriving. The meat behind the neck needs delicate cutting skill, as each slice has a thin fat circle wrapping the lean meat.
The sauce to match the lamb is also special – besides traditional sesame sauce, fermented bean curd and pickled leek flower, the chefs also include mushroom sauce to add flavor.
Traditional Beijing snacks including shaobing, or sesame seed baked rolls, and wandouhuang, or pea flour cake. All are handmade to present an authentic Beijing taste.
Innovation also gives traditional dishes a new look – the purple pickled garlic is marinated with black goji barries and lemon and the pink garlic gets its color from roselle.