Hussar on the grassland

As soon as we arrived at the encampment, The Wulanmuqi artists started to put on their special performance as an expression of gratitude to the herdsmen. From Sept 8 to 12, more than a dozen shows were performed within the banner, where the artists had kept traveling from site to site for a distance of 940 kilometers.
On Sept 10, on the way from the first encampment Huhe Erge to the second camping site Buridgacha Duguinuo, our vehicle was unfortunately caught in the desert while passing through the sand. The Wulanbuqi artists had to stepped out of the car and pull the vehicle out of the sand for so many times that all members were worn out.
At about five o'clock in the afternoon, 40 kilometers away from the second encampment, the engine of one of the cars suddenly stalled and we couldn't move forward. At that time, the sun had just set, and it was pitch dark in the depths of the desert. Our team lost no time in unloading the kitchen utensils and food from the car. Some collected firewood and lit the fire, and the others chopped vegetables and cooked our meal.