'All aboard' call for recovery should not fall on deaf ears: China Daily editorial

The Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda of the World Economic Forum, which started on Monday, undoubtedly provides the world, which has been estranged for too long, with a valuable stage to reaffirm shared values and synergize efforts for a post-pandemic recovery.
The presence of leaders of many major economies and emerging economies, including those of the European Union, Japan and India, shows the tremendous significance the international community has attached to the event and its theme of "A Crucial Year to Rebuild Trust".
Four years ago, President Xi Jinping delivered what has become known as his "sunshine" speech, in which he advocated the benefits of globalization and multilateralism which were challenged by the protectionism and unilateralism of the Donald Trump administration.
On Monday, President Xi once again delivered the opening speech. This time, he spoke of the dawn that comes at the end of even the darkest night, sharing his conviction that as long as countries stand together, they can not only defeat the novel coronavirus, but also achieve a collective post-pandemic recovery, and in the process a fairer world.
The WEF has been held amid crises before, but never has such a storm of uncertainties raged around it. Since last year's WEF, more than 2 million people have died of the novel coronavirus, the world economy has taken a battering, the climate challenge has become more acute, and all the problems were compounded by the "America first" policies pursued by the former US administration.
However, as Xi stressed, "Winter cannot stop the arrival of spring" and with the right mindset there are opportunities to be seized that can help make the world more resilient to crises in the future.
That's why Klaus Schwab, chair and founder of the WEF, wrote in an article published earlier this month that 75 years after the original "Year Zero" following the devastation caused by World War II, this year could also be positive and historic.
"We once again have a chance to rebuild", he wrote. Saying that "COVID-19 has delivered the final blow" to the post-war model in which the prosperity and progress produced by free markets and limited government are "no longer sustainable, environmentally or socially".
Xi pointed out that differences in themselves are no cause for alarm, what does ring the alarm is arrogance, prejudice and hatred. He stressed that "‘Selective multilateralism' should not be an option" as the world looks to the post-pandemic future.
He warned that the misguided approach of antagonism and confrontation, be it in the form of a cold war, hot war, trade war or tech war, would eventually hurt all countries' interests and undermine everyone's well-being.
China is committed to multilateralism, as multilateralism is "the torch that lights humanity's way forward". The world cannot retreat down the path to the past, and time will not stand still. Countries need to pool their courage and wisdom and keep moving forward.
The past four years have shown the harm that a zero-sum mentality can do when backed by a big fist. It is to be hoped that Xi's call for countries to stand united will be heeded, so that they can overcome not only the global health crisis, but also other pressing challenges confronting the world.