Shanghai Disney Resort marks 10th anniversary of groundbreaking

The Shanghai Disney Resort launched its 5th birthday celebration and the 10th anniversary of the groundbreaking of the site on April 8.
As the most ambitious overseas project for The Walt Disney Company, Shanghai Disney Resort's groundbreaking marked the start of construction on the first Disney resort in Chinese mainland, which was one of the largest joint venture projects in the service sector in China's history.
With over five years of joint efforts from both shareholders, the local government, and hundreds of thousands of partners, contractors, vendors, construction workers, community participants, cast members, the resort opened in June 2016.
Since opening, the resort has celebrated many traditional Chinese festivals, along with internationally recognized holidays with a wide range of holiday-themed activities with new entertainment, decorations, merchandise and dining options.
In the first year of operation, it welcomed more than 11 million guests, and has become one of the world's most visited tourism destinations.
Last year, after a closure of more than 100 days due to COVID-19, Shanghai Disneyland reopened its gates on May 11, 2020, becoming the first Disneyland to reopen during the pandemic.