The secrets of a kitchen king

"Zhao's kitchen skills were fantastic, and we were about the same age, so I thought we could communicate well," Su says.
He shadowed Zhao in the kitchen for many years until Zhao moved to Beijing.
"I thought about heading to Beijing with him, but realized I'd never be independent if I did, so I decided to stay Shanghai, and I would call Zhao whenever I had questions or difficulties in cooking," Su says.
In 1988 Zhao took part in the second edition of the national cooking competition organized by the China Cuisine Association and won a gold medal, a silver and three bronzes.
Five years later Su took part in the third edition of the competition. Zhao came up with a grand plan that helped Su win the gold medal and put him near the top of the list of 100 best chefs in the country.
After winning the award, Su got the chance to host dinners for leaders of many countries. Usually when he prepares the dinners he calls Zhao, and the pair discuss ideas, he says.
In October 2001 when the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Meeting was held in Shanghai Su was responsible for preparing the gala dinner for those attending the meeting.