Stars burn brightly for China in astronomy photo competition
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Sunspot Looking out into Space ? Siu Fone Tang (USA) [Photo/The Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year 13 (2021) competition/exhibition]
This image shows a close-up of a sunspot and the plasma as it flickers and follows the magnetic lines generated by the Sun. The photo depicts what is called the chromosphere, this is imaged using a hydrogen-alpha filter. The photo is made up of multiple frames that are stacked together and then later enhanced using Photoshop. It is an inverted view which creates more contrast.
? Los Angeles, California, USA, Nov 25, 2020
? SkyWatcher Esprit 150 telescope at f/7, DayStar Quark Gemini lens, SkyWatcher EQ8Rh-Pro mount, ZWO ASI174MM camera, 2,000 x 16-millisecond exposures