Students get a history lesson

The camp participants say they enjoyed the time together and were delighted to have the opportunity to communicate with peers from different countries in a time when the world is still stricken by the pandemic.
Jaden Ng from Singapore says that he felt a strong sense of teamwork when the participants worked together to build the dams-some were responsible for shoveling and transporting the soil, while others paving and tamping.
Braithwaite notes that it was exciting to interact with teenagers from different parts of the world because the culture at the school she attends in Shanghai is predominantly British.
During the camp, Mingxuan from Shanghai also shared some knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine, which she is interested in.
"I hope we can become messengers of friendships," says Mingxuan, whose roommate during the camp was a girl from Spain.
She says they were sure that they would keep in touch after the camp.
Cao Haijiong, director of the Europe and Asia division of the Shanghai People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, says that the past 15 editions of the event had built up friendship between the participants from home and abroad. Many former campers still keep in close contact with each other.
"When the COVID-19 virus struck China early last year, we received videos from former international campers who wished our country well," says Cao.
"Also, we sent face masks to some foreign countries through our sister organizations overseas when they were in need of them."