Painter bares his soul and frame of mind

Art, involving as it does an expression of talent and awareness to be placed in full public view, can be a lonely occupation. For many artists, the struggle to create is worth it when the audience can get a glimpse into the artist's soul.
Zhang Jiangzhou knows the struggles that must be overcome for the "soul" to be on show. The permanent artist and member of the Assembly of Fellows of China National Academy of Painting in Beijing is devoted to making his "soul whispers" heard by, and touch the heart of, those who view his paintings.
"Art is the most private part of an artist. It is the whispers of their soul, and a hidden pain they feel in the still of the night," Zhang says.
His career spans more than four decades. And the time has given Zhang a different perspective. His artistic endeavors, he says, have become an increasing labor of love as he continues to hone a style of his own.
He believes art is much more than just about a mastery of technical skills and making something pleasing to the eye. He says it is "a spiritual journey encountering many difficulties and demanding perseverance", and through this journey, excellence can be reached.