Shengsi on my mind

We then repaired to the beach, thankfully with few people on it, enjoying the fine sand below our feet and running happily to and fro. As waves broke over the golden sand, the vista ahead composed of the sea and the sky was a seemingly horizon-less azure blue. Waves crashing on the beach and swishing over the sand, coupled with the joyful screams of frolicking children, provided the perfect soundtrack to this picture-another Oscar nominee perhaps.
However, soon enough the novelty and excitement of all this was beginning to ebb, and vague capital-city impressions began to form in my mind: yes, the sweltering heat we had sought to escape had caught up with us, even if it was in a slightly different form and attenuated by the occasional sea breeze. So now it was time for a nap before we freshened up to come out to see the setting sun.