BRICS summit held virtually with adoption of 'New Delhi Declaration'

NEW DELHI - At the 13th BRICS summit held virtually on Thursday, the five nations - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa acknowledged that in an interconnected and globalized world, no one was safe until everyone was safe.
At the summit, the five emerging economies recognized that the production of COVID-19 vaccines had provided the greatest hope to conquer the pandemic and that COVID-19 extensive immunization was a global public good.
"We regret the glaring inequity in access to vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics, especially for the world's poorest and most vulnerable populations," said the "New Delhi Declaration" issued at the conclusion of the BRICS summit.
"We, therefore, recognize the importance of safe, efficacious, accessible and affordable vaccines. In this regard, we note, inter alia, the ongoing discussions in the WTO on a COVID-19 vaccine Intellectual Property Rights waiver and the use of flexibilities of the TRIPS Agreement and the Doha Declaration on TRIPS Agreement and Public Health," the Declaration said.
Leaders of the five countries stressed the importance of science-based, and objective assessment of the safety, and efficacy of vaccines by regulators throughout the world.
Heads of the five countries also reaffirmed strong commitment to continue their ongoing efforts in supporting countries around the world to combat the pandemic through financing, donation, local production and facilitating export of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics and other life-saving equipment.
They also welcomed the contribution made by BRICS countries in providing over a billion COVID-19 vaccine doses, including grants and donations, bilaterally, to international organizations and to the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) facility.
Regarding the situation in Afghanistan, the five leaders called for refraining from violence and settling the situation by peaceful means.
They underscored the priority of fighting terrorism, including preventing attempts by terrorist organizations to use Afghan territory as terrorist sanctuary and to carry out attacks against other countries.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his address that BRICS made many achievements in the last one and a half decades. "Today we are an influential voice for the emerging economies of the world," he said.