Familiar objects inspire curiosity at Yngve Holen's Beijing solo

The show's title – Foreign Object Debris (FOD), is borrowed from the aviation industry, which has inspired Holen to create a number of artworks in the past decade. The term refers to the objects found in an inappropriate location, which could potentially cause damage to the aircraft, crew members and passengers, due to being in that location.
"But here FOD is a more general concept. It means the familiar objects are spontaneously rendered foreign when separated from their designated context and location in the machinery system," Wu said.
For many who visit the show, they may find themselves vacillating between familiarity and confusion throughout the tour.
Viewers can easily spot car rims, car headlights, a colorful Barbie doll house, a CT scanner's portal, ring lights used by beauty vloggers, LEGO toy figures, industrial robots and half of a cow's carcass. Some of them are ready-made while others differ from their prototypes in size and material.