International youth celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, International Peace Day

To explain the intrinsic value of Chinese culture to international youth and build friendship bonds, youth from 32 countries met at the China Youth Center for International Exchange to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and International Peace Day together on Sept 21 in Beijing.
It was directed by the China Youth Center for International Exchange, organized by the China International Cultural Exchange Foundation Experience Chinese Culture Special Fund, hosted by Beijing International Youth University and co-hosted by Yingfluence.
Guests at the event included Chinese Friendship Award winners, renowned entrepreneurial talents and international students in China.
"Being away from home and family, having the opportunity to celebrate these special occasions with locals and people from around the world is truly a joyful and unforgettable experience. I hope we can have opportunities like this one to bond with others while discovering more about Chinese culture," said Jonathan, an international student who attended the event.