Town fairs provide inspiration

"Soaking" in the market, I not only used my camera to record the familiar but interesting tidbits, but also witnessed the changes in the daily life of the fellow villagers. For example, greater transport convenience is achieved as a result of the local government's constant drive in enriching the villagers' wellbeing.
The road network in rural areas and townships has developed rapidly. The villagers basically travel by car or motorcycle. However, it's widely noted that a lot of traditional customs are disappearing along with the development. For example, traditional craftsmanship such as repairing pans, shoes and clocks, sharpening knives and scissors that were common in the market in the past are now a rare scene.
Significant changes are most prominent in food and clothing choices. In the past, most of the villagers went to the market to buy salt, oil, meat and grain, and to buy traditional sweets and cakes for holidays.