Directing their video careers

Technology gives a new generation the ability to be creative, He Qi reports in Shanghai.
People, especially those of Generation Z, are used to acquiring information through smartphones, resulting in a significant increase in video sharing and creativity alongside the rapid development of internet and its ever-growing number of users.
According to a report by the China Internet Network Information Center, the number of people interacting with online videos in China reached 927 million by the end of 2020, accounting for 93.7 percent of the country's total internet users.
Meanwhile, the earnings report of Chinese video streaming platform Bilibili pointed out that it had 2.7 million monthly active content creators and received more than 10 million monthly video submissions as of the third quarter in 2021. Its number of monthly active users reached 267 million.
There has been a huge leap compared to the figures of the previous years-the number of monthly active content creators was only approximately 570,000 as of the fourth quarter of 2018 and only 234,000 in the same period of 2017.
Those video clips, which allow viewers to share comments and interact with the content creators, not only attract millions of fans but also play an important role in publicity, especially in the most common aspects of people's daily lives.