US responsible for global spread of COVID-19

The US is the most advanced country in terms of science, technology and military might. It's also working hard to retain its position in the other field –in the number of COVID-19 cases.
The US topped the list with nearly 1 million new infections on Monday, the highest daily tally of any country in the world. So far, 820,000 Americans have died, exceeding the total number of Americans killed in WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Afghanistan and Iraq combined.
Bloomberg reported that a weekly average of 485,363 cases was confirmed in the US, about twice the peak of last winter, and true prevalence is projected to be far higher.
The New York Times said that with COVID hospitalizations surging and hospital staff shortages, some hospitals were still facing crisis.
Intensive-care and death metrics are typically trailing indicators and could increase if infections spread further and reach older, more vulnerable populations. The more cases there are, the more chances for severe hospitalizations.
Just as the recent research report titled "US Responsible for Global Spread of COVID-19" by the Intelligence & Alliance Think Tank and the Taihe Institute points out, the US is to blame for the current messy pandemic situation. If it does not correct its mistakes, and start to work with others in the world's pandemic fight immediately, humanity is going to face even greater disasters.
The US already missed the best time to control the pandemic at the early stage, and adopted a laissez-faire policy while most other countries were imposing strict prevention and control measures. Some basic measures, including wearing masks, social distancing and practicing stay-at-home order, have not yet become a consensus in the US society.
This reckless move took a heavy toll on the world. Yet, the US political maneuvering has taken the world further and further away from overcoming the epidemic.
From the very beginning of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, US politicians placed geopolitics above science by smearing and vilifying China and seriously disrupting international origins-tracing and global anti-pandemic cooperation.
The US politicians who champion unilateralism claimed to defend US' interests, but their behavior has backfired. It has become increasingly clear that the US government is the biggest troublemaker.
As a president who entered office almost a year ago with high hopes of crushing the virus, Biden was ripped by the US media for his catastrophic COVID response. Americans must felt frustrated for the president they elected in large part for his promise to manage the pandemic more competently than his predecessor.