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Cultural ties
Wang Qingli, a painter based in Hubei province, has witnessed the ups and downs in Chinese contemporary art over the past four decades. The evolution of her work exemplifies the endeavors of artists of her generation to blaze a trail in Chinese art in a different age. While embracing a global vision, Wang, like her peers, also finds it impossible to not be nurtured by her cultural traditions. Inspiration from Landscape, Wang's solo exhibition now at Hubei Museum of Art through April 10, shows her recent paintings in which she reinforces the essential spirit of classical Chinese art in a contemporary manner. She has reduced the figurative details and simplified the forms of old landscape paintings, meanwhile accentuating the carefree, serene atmosphere to create resonance among her viewers.
9 am-5 pm, closed on Mondays. 1 Sangongdian, Donghu Road, Wuhan, Hubei province. 027-8679-6062/7.