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Mural replicas
Murals and statues preserved in grottoes and temples along the ancient Silk Road shows cultural interactions between the East and the West over a long period. Also, they became an integral part of artistic legacies. Art from the Silk Road, an exhibition at the China National Arts and Crafts Museum and China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, pays tribute to this immense treasure trove of art and culture, as well as the joint efforts of artists and archaeologists in the research, reproduction and innovation of the media, pigments, motifs, painting techniques and styles of Silk Road art. The exhibition shows replicated mural paintings and statues from 23 caves and Buddhist temple relics, in a stretch of some 1,600 kilometers along the ancient Silk Road and dated between the 4th and 14th centuries. It ends on May 30.
9 am-5 pm, closed on Mondays. 16 Hujing Dong Lu, Chaoyang district, Beijing.