US artist Trey Abdella creates 'Almost Heaven' experience

This artwork shows the clash between the teen's growing individuality and the religious belief that he inherited from his parents, said a visitor to the show.
Another showpiece that utilizes multiple materials is Caught in a Lie. A big spider sculpture, evoking those by Louise Bourgeois, lurks on the ground, making viewers aghast. Above the spider is a cotton-made web inhabited by numerous tiny spiders. In the middle of the giant web hangs a shard-shaped painting portraying a closeup of a woman's mouth receiving a dental checkup with the dental mirror eerily reflecting a man's gaze.
Knotted also strikes spectators as male-gazey, voyeuristic, and suspenseful. It features the rear of a blond woman's head while she is combing her knotted hair, and a wig artfully incorporated into the painting. However, the comb and the woman's bracelet reflect a man's glare, creating Hitchcockian suspense.