Journey into the unknown is cycle of discovery

Many people asked Holstein how she was able to travel for so long and why she could manage to be away from work. Holstein replied that, in fact, she never stopped working. She said: "There is internet everywhere in China, in the mountains, by the oceans, even in small remote villages."
In fact, internet became a large part of her journey. Holstein depended on the internet around China to continue her work online, and to continuously update a WeChat group of people following her journey.
Holstein used WeChat, China's largest social media platform, to update hundreds of close friends who were following along in her journey. Holstein would post the interesting and unique things she saw along the way. Including a market in which she stumbled upon a man making veneers (false teeth) for local people on the spot from a local stand. A topic that really intrigued the group.
Her WeChat group offered support and encouragement along her journey. "I never felt unsafe or alone, because I had hundreds of my friends 'following me'," said Holstein. One big supporter of Holstein's journey wrote in the group, "So proud of you! You are a lucky woman who has made your own luck."