Xi Jinping's inspection tour of Xinjiang

On Wednesday afternoon, Xi went to the Shihezi city under the Eighth Division of the XPCC and visited the Museum of Military Reclamation of the XPCC.
On the first floor of the museum, Xi met with representatives of the three generations of workers from the XPCC. He said that the XPCC has made indelible contributions to promoting Xinjiang's development, ethnic unity, social stability and border security.
The spirit of patriotism, dedication, hard work and enterprise the XPCC people have developed is an important part of the fine traditions of the CPC, and such spirit must be carried on.
Then Xi left for a fact-finding trip to the 143rd Regiment of the Eighth Division. At a cotton planting base of the Agricultural 1st Company, Xi checked on cotton growth, and asked farmers and agricultural technicians in the field about cotton planting, marketing and their family income, among others. At a peach orchid of the 9th Company, Xi expressed his appreciation of what the company has done to encourage and support its employees to develop farming industry, eco-tourism and agri-entertainment over the years, which has helped increase the income for the employees.
With its high level of agricultural mechanization, large-scale agricultural development and industrialized operation as well as its strengths in the production of grain, cotton, oil, fruits and vegetables, the XPCC should play an even greater role in safeguarding China's food security and securing supply of key agricultural products, Xi pointed out.