Police officers turn the life of a young student around

Upon receiving his admission letter from Tsinghua University, Wu Jinlin from Wanzhou district of Chongqing ran all the way to a local police station as he couldn't wait to share the good news to the police officers there who had aided his three years' study in high school, ThePaper reported on Wednesday.
Back in 2019, when Pan Xijun, a community police officer of Hongguang Police Station in Wanzhou district, paid a visit to Wu's home by chance, he learned about Wu's financial condition: His grandma ran a small store, his mother was paying hundreds of yuan on medicine every month. The only support in the family was Wu's father, who works in Chongqing. To cut costs in traveling and save money, he seldom came home.
After knowing about the family's situation, the police officers decided to finance Wu and his family. The police station even set up a long-term plan to make sure Wu's all three years' high school study could be financially supported.
Scoring 676 out of 750, Wu's gaokao performance made the police officers feel proud.
"Words cannot express our gratitude, we really appreciate the help and support from the police officers in the past three years," said Wu's father.
After congratulating Wu and presenting him an envelope of money, a police officer said: "If there are any difficulties in your life, remember to turn to us. The police station will always be your home."