With enterprise and fortitude
Under the leadership of the CPC, China has made some momentous achievements over the past five years and sights are now being on the next set of goals

The root of China's objective is to achieve development for its people. It's not a dream, it's a reality. And I think China can do that because it has its unique system.
How can China get to that? There are some important elements. The first element that's very critical is leadership. When China's leadership makes a decision, it's taken seriously by everybody, by the private sector, by the media, by the government. So everyone knows the direction in which to go.
The second important element is education. The Chinese people invest much in education and that's different to people in the Western societies, which tend to take education for granted. Many people say this is because the competition in China is so fierce. But it doesn't matter if it is in China or elsewhere, you want to prepare children for the future.
The third element is the faith that the population has in the government and in the system. The government plays an important role in terms of leadership, but plays a much more important role in terms of governance. It helps people understand where you want to go.
The fourth element is the culture of Chinese people. It is how they perceive the world, not in the short run, but in the long run.
I think those four elements make China different from any other place around the world.