Med-tech MNCs see healthy market space

Editor's Note: The China International Import Expo draws global corporate giants, world trade leaders and up-and-coming stars in business and commerce. As the expo launched its fifth edition this year, China Daily spoke to senior executives of multinational corporations who have participated in the event for five straight years, presenting their views on the CIIE's role in boosting global economic recovery from COVID-19.
Q1: For the fifth straight year, your company has just participated in the annual CIIE. Why is the event so important to you? What were your expectations this year?
Q2: Is there any added significance to the CIIE in the context of the downward pressures on the global economy brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and its softening effect on global demand?
Q3: China has been striving to increase imports to support manufacturers and producers in other economies. The country has also continuously opened its markets and economy to foreign investors and foreign companies. Overall, what do you think are China's contributions to the world?
Q4: Your company operates in a specific industry. What prospects does that industry currently have in China? And what's the biggest opportunity for your company as the country pursues high-quality development?
Q5: What's your view on China's current level of opening-up? How can high-standard opening-up be made even more effective in the future?