Artist releases new song to celebrate China and Israel relations

To mark the 30th anniversary of China and Israel relations, Gilad Segev, the founder of Project 34, created a special song and video in celebration of the friendship between China and Israel.
In June 2020, Segev launched Project 34, a project in which Segev plans to write one original song for each of the 34 provincial-level regions in China every month, with every song encapsulating each place's characteristics and performed with notes that fuse Chinese music and global folk music.
The new release, an innovative mix of Chinese and Hebrew, is joined by Chinese singer Liang Ning and a children's choir in Shanghai, combined with Jewish ancient choir recordings sang in Hebrew and Segev's part performed in Chinese. The song focuses on discovering the details to find life’s miracles and the most amazing beauty of life.
To celebrate the depth and connection of the Chinese and Jewish roots forged by thousands of years of culture, the video is also a demonstration of the landscapes of China and Israel, connecting Qinghai Lake with the Dead Sea, the Great Wall of China to the Jerusalem Western Wall, and the views of Beijing and Shanghai with that of Tel Aviv.