Herding his cultural resources

Managing reindeer in temperatures of -50 C shows devotion of Aoluguya Ewenki man, Xu Haoyu reports.
"Ah-oh", Juele shouts into the distance, followed by the Ewenki word emege, which means "come back". It is a long, high-pitched sound that echoes through the trees.
Juele, 39, wears animal-skin clothing handed down from his Aoluguya Ewenki ancestors as he searches for, and calls to his reindeer herd in the forests and snow fields of the Greater Hinggan Mountains.
After each call, he will stand still and wait for their reaction. If the reindeer hear him, they will run toward him and the bells around their necks will jingle.
At a farm that belongs to the Jinhe forestry bureau, which is more than 80 kilometers away from Genhe city, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Juele herds more than 60 reindeer in the traditional method of the Aoluguya Ewenki people.