Bringing hearts and minds

"Zogang county covers a vast area with a dispersed population. The medical infrastructure in the remote rural region is relatively weak compared to other counties or regions," she says.
Among the chronic diseases faced by residents of Zogang, mostly a farming and herding community, is chronic mountain sickness. This is exacerbated by the severe shortage of skilled professionals and organizations to train them.
Chagyoi's health center is one of the county's 10 health centers at the township level, but as the only one in the area, its patients come from both the local community and three neighboring towns.
Chosphel Tashi, Party secretary of Chagyoi, estimates that in the first half day, more than 300 people arrived at the center to attend the free medical consultations.
The town and its 33 villages have a population of more than 7,000, the majority of whom are members of the Tibetan ethnic group. Local people tend to suffer from coronary heart diseases and musculoskeletal disorders, common health issues found in high-altitude regions.
"They have been very much looking forward to the China Hearts medical team's arrival. Previously when they encountered complicated health problems, they had to take long journeys to cities or nearby provinces, where they might face many difficulties including making payments, traffic and language," he explains.