Xi calls for more just, equitable world order at BRICS forum

Way forward
In the speech, Xi underscores the importance of inclusive development, universal security, cultural exchange, and the collective rise of emerging economies and developing countries for a better world, expressing China's willingness to deepen solidarity and cooperation with other emerging markets and developing countries to make the international order more just and equitable.
"We need to promote development and prosperity for all," Xi said, adding that with perseverance, hard work and huge sacrifices, many emerging markets and developing countries succeeded in gaining independence, and "everything we do is to deliver better lives to our people."
"Every country has the right to development, and the people in every country have the freedom to pursue a happy life," Xi said, noting that China will work with all other countries to speed up cooperation under the Global Development Initiative, meet common challenges together and make life better for people across the world.
"We need to achieve universal security," Xi said, adding that only a commitment to a new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security can lead to universal security.
China stands ready to jointly pursue the Global Security Initiative with all others, have dialogue and oppose confrontation, forge partnership but not alliance, and pursue win-win outcome and oppose zero-sum game, and work together to build a community of security, Xi added.