Universal appeal, set to grow

"During the summer vacation, you'd easily notice a diversity of visitors with different accents," he says.
Zeng says many visitors return regularly.
Yang Yuhan, a second-year graduate student studying international business at Beijing Second Foreign Language University, has visited five times. The 23-year-old is especially fond of Bumblebee from the Transformers franchise.
"The Transformers movies were a constant in my life as I grew up, and I'm also a huge fan of the Jurassic Park series," she says.
"Being here has allowed me to realize my dream of immersing myself in these blockbusters. Universal is like a bridge that brings the magic of movies closer to reality," she says.
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications graduate student Lin Ke has also visited five times, especially to meet Bob from the Minions and buy merchandise related to the franchise.
"The park has continued to develop over the past two years. I hope it'll offer even more attractions and movie IPs," the 25-year-old says.
"And I hope to visit even more, since I hear an ocean park will be built in the area."