Forum anticipates further integration of digital technology and art

Will there be new chemistry being created out of the marriage of digital technology and art, after years of explorations? The topic aroused heated debates among representatives from governmental bodies, academic circles, cultural institutions and enterprise from across the country, at themed forum held in Chongqing on Tuesday.
The endeavors to empower cultural products with the great digital leap have for recent years produced many outcomes, such as exhibitions and artworks providing immersive experiences, animations and shows offered at tourist spots.
While what else can be done to further the collaboration between new technology, with the wide spread of AI, and art and culture? Forum attendants shared their recent works in that direction, for example the increasing use of digital appliances in presenting the cultural heritage. Many mentioned that increasing interactions between the audience and the cultural products are a demand, and the participation of more artists is needed to better the storytelling of the products and their experiences.