Business Events Sydney launches meeting fund in Beijing

Business Events Sydney, or BESydney, a not-for-profit company that promotes Sydney as a preeminent Asia-Pacific business visitor destination, launched the Sydney Meeting Fund at a media event on Wednesday in Beijing.
A program designed to help offset a portion of costs for business events hosted in Sydney, the fund, with offers from 40 Australian dollars per person, is dedicated to helping business events, including conferences, incentives and corporate events, become a success, according to Vivian Chen, BESydney’s director in China.
To be eligible for the Sydney Meetings Fund, the application should meet the following requirements.
- Event size is between 100 and 250 delegates.
- Event duration is at least three nights in length in Sydney or the state of New South Wales.
- Applications must be submitted at least eight weeks prior to event date.
- Event is not yet confirmed to be held in Sydney.
In addition, the event must take place by December 31, 2024 and applications must be submitted by March 31, 2024.