Zhuji city sees companies attend international jewelry shows in Hong Kong

A large number of companies from Zhuji, a county-level city in East China's Zhejiang province, have recently attended two international jewelry shows held in Hong Kong, which has truly captured the public's attention.
The companies sent more than 800 employees to set up 63 booths in total, occupying 567 square meters of exhibition space and offering various high-quality jewelry.
The companies are known as the "pearl group" because Zhuji city is the world's largest freshwater pearl production and marketing center. Currently, the city produces more than 70 percent of the world's freshwater pearls.
Participating in the jewelry shows is just part of the city's efforts to carry out extensive cooperation with Hong Kong. Over the past few years, Zhuji and Hong Kong have actively shared innovation resources with each other to promote industrial development.
During the visits to Hong Kong, officials and companies from Zhuji have organized several investment and tourism promotion conferences.
Meanwhile, they have actively communicated with local chambers of commerce, authorities, and famous companies, including China Industrial Securities International Financial Group and China State Construction International Holdings Ltd.
The city has also worked with universities in Hong Kong, such as the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, to develop and carry out high-end projects.
"Zhuji is committed to promoting opening-up in all respects," said Zhang Kunlun, mayor of Zhuji. "With the city entering a critical period for high-quality development, we visit Hong Kong not only to deepen the cooperation but also to learn from its good practices."
Throughout years of high-level opening-up, Zhuji has witnessed a boom in entrepreneurship and further advanced the industrial reform, injecting a fresh impetus into its economic development, Zhang added.
Staying open to the world can help Zhejiang promote both reforms and innovation to bring more high-quality talent to the province. Zhejiang should give full play to its resources and issue more preferential policies to embark on a new round of opening-up, said Zhou Shifeng, vice-president of Zhejiang Development and Planning Institute.