Egyptian Confucius Institute director: West's negative views on Chinese culture unacceptable

While Confucius Institutes globally strive to promote Chinese language and culture, some Western nations hold negative views about them and even resort to shutting them down. Hassan Ragab, director of a Confucius Institute at the Suez Canal University in Egypt, said in an interview with China Daily that such actions are unacceptable.
He stressed the importance of mutual assistance and understanding among nations, rather than limiting other cultures out of fear. Egypt, where people's enthusiasm for learning Chinese keeps growing, currently has 25 universities with Chinese departments and three Confucius Institutes.
Ragab believes that the spread of Chinese culture worldwide is unstoppable. With China's rise, Chinese culture will become one of the dominant cultures of the 21st century.
He also shared his profound love for China and its culture. Reflecting on his time at Peking University and the tears shed upon leaving Beijing, he expressed deep affection for China and its people.