China expects US cooperation in new era
Beijing eyes modernization while contributing to building a world of lasting peace, envoy says

Constant progress
Xie said a developing China will keep making contributions to building a world of lasting peace, and a China making constant progress will keep serving as a bridge for building an open and inclusive world.
A green China will keep injecting momentum into building a clean and beautiful world, he said. And a peaceful China will fulfill its responsibilities of building a world of universal security.
"At present, we are facing grave challenges in China-US relations. Whether the younger generation can continue to enjoy the eight-decade-long peace and development as their parents did largely depends on whether China and the United States can find a right way to get along in the new era," Xie said.
He said China is "ready to take concrete actions to implement the important consensus reached "between the nations' presidents in November, so as to turn the "San Francisco Vision" into reality.
Xie said both sides need to first jointly develop the right perception toward each other.
"China never bets against the United States and never interferes in its internal affairs, including elections," he said. "We are willing to be partners and friends with the United States. Is the US side also ready to do the same?"
Second, he said disagreements must be managed effectively.
"If the US side keeps interfering with China's internal affairs and damaging China's interests on issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Xizang and the South China Sea, how could the two sides ever put a floor under the relationship, no matter how many guardrails there may be?" Xie asked.
Third, he said mutually beneficial cooperation must be advanced.
"If the two sides had focused solely on differences and competition half a century ago, how could we have reopened our doors to each other?" Xie said.