Flowing across time

Business bastion
Over centuries, the Grand Canal witnessed bustling docks for rice, cloth and silk, while fostering a plethora of esteemed industrial and commercial giants.
The Maoxing Flour Mill stands along the waterway. Established in 1900 by prominent Chinese entrepreneurs Rong Zongjing and Rong Desheng, it marked the beginning of domestic capital enterprises in China.
It has been transformed into the Wuxi Chinese National Industry and Commerce Museum. Here, visitors can explore the local development of industry and commerce, with exhibits showcasing the complete production process of the flour industry, including preserved wheat warehouses, milling workshops and flour depots.
Wen Yan, director of the special exhibition department at the Wuxi Museum, explains: "The museum's building is itself a historical structure. We use scientific methods to analyze damage and corrosion to the wall's bricks. Even during repairs, the entire process is scientifically validated."
While focusing on preservation, they've also been experimenting with various innovative approaches over the past two years to make cultural relics more engaging for younger visitors. For instance, they've partnered with theater troupes to stage plays like The Youth of a Giant and organized activities like murder-mystery games.