Blind student completes college with resilience

Having lost his eyesight in childhood, countless difficulties once stood in Ang Ziyu's path as he pursued an academic life. However, in June, he will graduate with a bachelor's degree in science and enrollment in a master's degree, proving that his grit and resilience triumphed over obstacles caused by his visual disability.
Ang was admitted to Minzu University of China in 2020, scoring 635 out of a possible 750 in the national college entrance exam, and became the university's first-ever student with visual disability.
Worries came along with joy of college admission. Would he be able take care of himself on campus? Would he be able to learn abstract knowledge in Braille? Could he meet the graduation requirements four years later?
"The greatest fear is the unknown. I did encounter many problems after entering college, but there was always a way," said Ang.
"Only after a month did I become familiar with the campus roads. I used to buy meals at certain stalls in the cafeteria due to familiarity, but as a senior now, I would like to try every food I haven't eaten yet before I leave the college," Ang said.
"Sometimes he walks faster than I do. He uses a tactile stick more to remind people that he is blind, in case he bumps into others, rather than needing it to walk," said Bai Lu, his tutor.