Cogs of fate turning for Taiwan secessionists: China Daily editorial

In the latest move in support of the pro-independence forces in Taiwan, the Joe Biden administration has approved a new $360 million weapons sale to the island, which includes armed drones, missile equipment and related support material. That this is the 15th time the Biden administration has approved an arms sale to the island belies its promise to Beijing that the US does not support "Taiwan independence".
The deal "serves US national, economic, and security interests by supporting the recipient's continuing efforts to modernize its armed forces and to maintain a credible defensive capability", said the US Department of State in a statement, adding that it will "help improve the security of the recipient and assist in maintaining political stability, military balance, and economic progress in the region".
In reality, however, apart from the economic interests of the US military industry, the only other purpose the arms sale serves is emboldening the pro-independence forces on the island.
The thank-you note Taiwan administration chief Lai Ching-te, a "pragmatic worker for Taiwan independence", sent to Washington the moment the arms sale was approved confirmed the evil intent of the US' move. What really makes the collusion between Washington and Taiwan ugly is that both know the island can never build enough "credible defense" to prevent the Chinese mainland from reunifying the island with the motherland, and yet they are trying to push the situation toward a conflict across the Taiwan Strait.
The ongoing Ukraine and Middle East crises, both orchestrated and prolonged by Washington, have once again exposed the Machiavellian character of the US.
Ironically, the Biden administration has expressed the desire to ease tensions between US and Chinese militaries, but its interference in the Taiwan question and the South China Sea issue, sanctions against Chinese entities and tariffs on Chinese goods show it is still saying one thing and doing exactly the opposite.
The Taiwan question concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and therefore brooks no interference. And the US should know that the People's Liberation Army will not allow any power to derail the mainland's plan for the island's gradual reunification with the motherland.
As for the pro-independence forces on island, the set of guidelines the central government issued on Friday on meting out criminal punishment to them should remind Lai and his ilk on the island that they will be served what they have ordered in time and according to law.
The guidelines have specific provisions for conviction and sentencing of hardcore "Taiwan independence" activists in accordance with the Anti-Secession Law, the Criminal Law, the Criminal Procedure Law and other legal provisions.
It is to be hoped that the Taiwan compatriots will recognize the extreme harm pro-independence activists could cause to the island and resolutely oppose any secessionist activities, while working together with the mainland to promote peaceful development across the Strait.