Walking in a young master's footsteps

Lu Xun was born into a prominent family in 1881. His ancestors are recorded to have moved to Shaoxing during the middle period of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Initially engaged in farming, they later ventured into business, amassing enough wealth to acquire two sizable complexes during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), says Hu Jingwen, director of the management department of Shaoxing Lu Xun Native Place.
Family members were encouraged to receive education and seek higher social status since, in ancient China, passing the imperial exam was almost the only way the underprivileged could become officials to elevate family standing. Lu Xun's grandfather Zhou Fuqing (1838-1904) achieved this feat. However, in 1893, his illegal involvement in bribery was exposed, leading to his subsequent imprisonment. Alongside his downfall, the family fortune declined as well, she adds.
Young Lu Xun experienced the whole process, transitioning from a respected young master to someone who had to mortgage family properties in exchange for medicine for his father. He once wrote: "Have you ever witnessed your own prosperous family fall into destitution? I believe in this process, you can really see people's true colors."
"We know Lu Xun was a great thinker and the event greatly influenced him. It allowed him to broaden his perspective and gain a deeper understanding of the world, which greatly influenced the depth and profundity of his thoughts," says Hu.
At Sanwei Private School, the complex where Lu Xun began receiving his education at age 11 with teacher Shou Jingwu, people can see a desk carved with the character zao (early) on the corner of the desk. It is a replica of the desk used by Lu Xun, with the real one exhibited in the museum.
According to Hu, there was an incident when Lu Xun was late for school and received criticism from Shou. Even though he was delayed due to purchasing medicine for his father's illness, Lu Xun did not attempt to make excuses. Instead, he engraved the character on his desk as a reminder to never be late again.