China, US enhance cooperation on global drug issue

China and the United States agreed to enhance cooperation to tackle the global drug issue during the first senior officials' meeting of their Counternarcotics Working Group.
At the meeting convened in Washington on Wednesday, both sides briefed each other about the latest progress made in their anti-drug work, including substance control, cooperation over relevant cases, technique exchanges, multilateral cooperation and clearing up of online advertisements, Xinhua reported.
They also had exchanges about their respective concerns and clarified the direction of cooperation.
Both sides agreed to further strengthen dialogue and communications and deepen counternarcotics cooperation on the basis of "respecting each other, managing differences and conducting mutually beneficial cooperation".
During its visit to the US, the Chinese delegation had bilateral exchanges with a number of US authorities, including the Office of National Drug Control Policy of the White House.
The delegation will also have in-depth discussion over key cases with front-line investigators of the US Drug Enforcement Administration's San Francisco office.