Alpine style scales new heights

Transferring the company in Shenzhen and purchasing the seven-year management right for 2 million yuan ($278,380), the couple turned the ancient building into their dream home.
Born in a small mountain village near Innsbruck, Schober says that his homestay should create a fusion experience between the East and the West and bring the best of both worlds.
"I am pretty confident we will receive more visitors here in Huangshan, especially foreign friends, in the future," he says.
As he expected with their business booming, the couple opened a restaurant in nearby Hongcun village with its signature dish of Schober's handmade pizza. While running his own business, Schober wants to let the ancient village to be seen more by the world. According to UNESCO, the Hongcun village preserves to a remarkable extent the appearance of nonurban settlements of a type that largely disappeared or were transformed during the last century.
Every Thursday night since June, he has set up a free English class in his restaurant.
"Living and doing business in this tranquil and beautiful place really makes me feel happy," he says, adding that he always wants to do more to make the village a better place.