Social Media Digest

Pinkie problem
Mobile phones are getting larger nowadays, leading many people to use their pinkie finger to support the bottom of the phone when holding it with one hand. Over time, this can cause a dent or arch to form on the finger due to the pressure.
Recently, this issue has sparked discussions on TikTok, with 163 million related posts. Netizens have even coined a term for this deformity: "phone pinkie".
In March, the Daily Mail conducted street interviews and discovered that only two out of those interviewed had normal pinkie fingers. One of them uses a phone stand, while the other avoids using her pinkie finger when holding her phone.
Despite the phenomenon, all participants expressed that they find it hard to reduce their phone usage.
According to a June report by What'sthebigdata, a website specializing in AI tools and data, Generation Z spends an average of 7 hours and 18 minutes per day on screens, including smartphones, computers, and other digital devices.
Physiotherapist Christynne Helfrich believes that "phone pinkie" is basically harmless, causing at most finger soreness.
She suggests that the best solution is to limit phone usage and take breaks every 10-15 minutes to relax the hand.
"If this is a recent development, making some adjustments and being mindful of prolonged use can help resolve symptoms more quickly than if this has been going on for months," Helfrich told Bustle, an online US women's magazine.