Cross-border efforts needed to protect heritage

Asian culture experts called for regional cooperation to protect cultural heritage and uncover the contemporary values of ancient civilizations at a panel discussion on "Transnational Cooperation for the Conservation of Shared Cultural Landscapes in Asia", highlighting shared cultural connections across the region.
The discussions were held on the sidelines of the Forum on Cultural Heritage Conservation in Selangor, Malaysia, on Thursday.
Speaking about the rich connotations of cultural heritage and its multifaceted value, Chin Yew Sin, president of the Oriental Culture Research Centre, said that "comprehending our cultural heritage can give us a sense of personal identity", while economically, a rich cultural heritage can drive development, such as through the promotion of cultural tourism.
Given the benefits and seeing cultural heritage as a shared asset of Asian nations, he said countries should work together to promote conservation. He suggested regular meetings to share experience, and called on more advanced countries to support less developed nations in the region with financial and technical aid.