Children's choirs unite in harmony
Singing groups from Hainan, Paris forge unlikely friendship, advance cultural understanding, exchanges

New experiences
For choir member Camille Lepretre the simple pleasure of drinking a coconut for the first time was a highlight of the trip. "I am thrilled to observe the process of opening and savoring coconuts in Hainan. And I also bought Li ethnic earrings, skirts, and clothing that I truly adore," she said.
For another choir member, Clementine Mathieu Veniard, the most unforgettable experience was singing with the Chinese children. She said they were very friendly. The children from both countries sang together, interacted well, visited many places, and participated in multiple activities.
Wang Ruhuan, a member of the Wuzhishan chorus, was fond of the gift exchanges and deepening friendships. She said that during their first and second meetings, the children exchanged gifts including a red handkerchief and a miniature model of the Eiffel Tower. On their second meeting in Hainan, they exchanged dolls.
"Through these interactions, I have formed stronger bonds with my French choir friends and made six new acquaintances. During their visit to Maona village, two French friends bought me a Miao hair pin, which I will treasure and keep in a very special place," she said.
Wang said she shed tears when they had to part, but she eagerly looks forward to reuniting with her French pals. She vowed to give them the "best gifts" when they reunite.
Liu, the conductor of the ethnic chorus, described the children's shared rehearsals as heartwarming, as they learned new vocal techniques and performance styles from each other.
After meeting in Paris in May, they formed friendships and further deepened their bond through rehearsals, performances, and interactions, he said. "As the children bid farewell, they found it hard to part ways," Liu said.