Ecuador and China: 45 years of a dynamic and transforming relationship

We live in a highly dynamic reality, which requires each country to strengthen its political, social, and economic relations to face the global challenges of our time.
The diplomatic relations between the Republic of Ecuador and the People's Republic of China, during these 45 years, are a clear example of this commitment to the growth of our nations, through joint work and cooperation at all levels.
One of the fundamental pillars to upkeep mutual support has been the comprehensive strategic partnership, which since its inception established a framework to promote political dialogue, trade, investment, and collaboration in science and technology.
In addition, it has served as an instrument to promote meetings and encounters between leaders of both countries, reflecting a cooperative approach to facing global challenges.
We must also highlight the relevant role played by Ecuador's incorporation into the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2018, an initiative promoted by China to improve connectivity and sustainable development.
For our country, this has meant integration into an ambitious infrastructure and trade project and the drive to improve the professional training of young Ecuadorians.
The New Ecuador that we promote is committed to youth, to their energy, and to their development. Therefore, we firmly believe that education and professional training are the keys to any nation's sustainable progress.
In light of this, consolidating professional training programs in China and educational exchanges will raise the capabilities of our youth and facilitate deeper cultural ties between the two nations.
Furthermore, the recent entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Ecuador and China marks another significant milestone in our bilateral relations.
With confidence and a mutual commitment to development, we have eliminated tariff barriers, promoting free trade through a clear and fair regulatory framework.
These joint initiatives reflect the trust and desire to strengthen ties between both nations under the approach of respect.
China is positioned as one of Ecuador's main trading partners, benefiting our economy and diversifying Chinese exports in our market, in a win-win dynamic.
We trust that Chinese investment in Ecuador will increase, which will translate into job creation and a boost to strategic and infrastructure sectors, essential for the country's development.
Also, cultural interactions have grown enormously in this time. The Chinese community in Ecuador has been fundamental in keeping these ties alive. Through festivals, exhibitions, and cultural exchanges, both countries have shared traditions that enrich the identity of our peoples. This approach also underlines the importance of understanding ourselves as trading partners, as well as allies in the cultural and educational fields.
Together we look to the future in which our relations of brotherhood, work, and cooperation are strengthened, to better face global challenges.
These 45 years of fruitful diplomatic relations, in addition to being a reason for celebration, refresh our commitment to work together to achieve a better tomorrow.
Rest assured that the government of New Ecuador will spare no effort to crystallize our common objectives.

The author is constitutional president of the Republic of Ecuador. The views don't necessarily reflect those of China Daily.
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