Clean bill of health for home services
Household industry scrubs up driven by fast-growing demand

Promoting synergy
Reflecting on the home services industry, Ning acknowledges that despite its rapid development, challenges remain: a lack of universal standards, disorganized competition such as price wars, and unprotected rights for consumers and service providers are hindering the industry's healthy growth.
To tackle these problems, localities are pooling resources and accelerating industrial transformation through technology.
Zheng Baolan, president of the Shanxi Province Domestic Service Association, recalled meeting a middle-aged couple at a local hospital who had undergone gastroscopies and had polyps removed from their stomachs.
"Unwilling to burden their child, who lives in another city, they found themselves with no one to care for them after the surgery," Zheng said.
Zheng recommended the Sanjin Smart Home Services mini-app that connects users with medical companions and caregivers.
"This online platform is indispensable. I believe it will become as popular as Alipay in the future," she observed.
In December, the Shanxi Domestic Services Association launched Sanjin Smart Home Services, providing an online platform to connect consumers, domestic services companies, and workers. The platform allows consumers to place orders and choose caregivers based on qualifications, experience, medical reports, and service evaluations.
It also offers online training courses and rights protection channels for services personnel, making it easier for them to improve their skills and safeguard their rights.
"We've invited 60 influential home services companies in Shanxi to join the platform, hoping to transform the traditional C-to-C business model and ensure high-quality services for consumers," Zheng said.
The Shanxi Home Services Association is also exploring new ways to integrate business and education. Zheng revealed that the association is discussing a partnership with Shanxi Technology and Business University to establish a home services industry incubator on campus.
"Students in home economics can become managers of online service shops, learning about the business with the assistance of the internet, big data, and artificial intelligence technologies," she said.
Xu Nuo contributed to this story.